Alguns dias tivemos um problema de lentidão no concurrent PO Output For Communication , apos um grande período de analise ,verificamos que a lentidão esta ocorrendo na geração do PDF do concurrent . pesquisei bastante sobre o que poderia estar causando essa lentidão e acabei encontrando o seguinte note no metalink: PO Output For Communication Performance Issues But SQL Trace Show No Performance Problems (Doc ID 1575175.1)
o que explica a oracle sobre o problema:
This is the same issue that was report in Bug 16947985 – PO OUTPUT FOR COMMUNICATION PERFORMANCE ISSUES
The issue is cause by the generation of the secure key.
In order to generate random numbers that are not predictable, SSL security code relies upon “entropy” on a machine.
If the entropy pool is exhausted /dev/random will block. This will cause all process requiring use of the entropy pool to be blocked. It will remain blocked until additional data has been collected from the sources of entropy that are available.
Como workaround acesse o concurrent , vá em opções e adicione
Nav --> Concurrent --> Program --> Define Query short name POXPOPDF In the Option field input
Com isso conseguimos resolver o problema que estava ocorrendo.